Dressed for the occasion

We love our couples (big time) and when these two asked me to fly to NY for their bridal shower, well daaah! I just said yes and flew the morning of their shower, and got to meet so many wonderful people, all of them dressed in white at this amazing bridal shower. These two have become precious important to us!

If people walked together, that would be a good thing...

Serena and Kylash have walked the best 4 days of their lives! Congratulations for finding each other in the midst of so many people. These two make love feel so easy… so real. We are in love to say the least!

The rest of their story is for another day… (sigh!)

The best things come for those who wait...

Taco bell, jokes about medicine and the stars lining up are all usual topics of conversations at South Asian Weddings… Many of our couples are going into the medical profession, and it can be a very busy schedule, but just like marriage… sometimes it takes a little time to see the wonders of a milestone completed.

It’s hard to believe that our countdown is now down to two weeks…

Congratulations Sindhura and Sean… you two make a beautiful couple!